Tour Haifa - Haifa Tourists Board



Experience the Difference At the foot of lsrael's Carmel Mountains and amid the beauty of the fertile Galilee, the Morad Winery in Yokneam transforms nature's harvest into the world's finest kosher and
kosher-for-Passover wines and liqueurs. Using fruits, vegetables and herbs, our winery
produces a large selection of flavorful and exotic offerings - from passion fruit to

Fragrant and multi-flavored, Morad's products are perfect for everyday enjoyment.
special celebrations and holiday dinners. enhancing the enjoyment of any cuisine.

Visitor Center
Each year, the Morad Winery welcomes visitors from around the world.

Our visitor center offers complimentary wine tastings that satisfy the desire for Morad's
longtime offerings and provide opportunities to discover new favorites. At our onsite
retail shop, visitors can create truly unique gift packages for family. friends and business
associates. We ship throughout Israel

A Legacy of Winemaking
Combining time-honored winemaking traditions with state-of-the-art technologies.
The Morad Winery opened more than a decade ago - but our roots in wine span several
generations and encompass more than a half-century.

Founders Jacob Morad and his wife, Eti, each hail from families steeped in winemaking
for their own personal enjoyment and ritual observance. In 1999, they opened Morad
Winery, creating delicious wines inspired by treasured family recipes.

More recently. the Bodner family has joined the Morads in operating the world-class yet
boutique winemaker. Together, the Morads and the Bodners share a passion for wine and
a profound commitment to perfection. their aromatic, multi-flavored wines and liqueurs
efforllessly turning meals into feasts and special occasions into unforgettable

Morad Winery
Telephone: 04.9597125